<FONT size="5">Japanese Transformers Cartoons Guide</FONT>
<FONT size="6">日版变形金刚动画指南</FONT>
<FONT size="4">(二)</FONT>
英文原作: Robert A. Jung
中文翻译: 守护神(birdstudio) 红色警报(kirkov)
英文原作版权: Robert A. Jung
中文译作版权: TFGs.net
<FONT COLOR="FF0000">********************
<FONT COLOR="808080">Recycled Americana
<FONT COLOR="808080">Now that we're all clear about the American show, it's time to jump into the Japanese story. I'll mention here that some of the Japanese names are different from their American counterparts, or don't have American equivalents at all. These new names will be marked when they are first encountered.Okay? Good. Now, clear your mind, and we'll begin with...</FONT>
现在美版的片子我们都已经搞清楚了,下面我们就转到日版变形金刚故事上来。在这里我要提醒一下,日版动画中的一些人名与对应的美版人名有区别,或者根本没有与之相对应的美版人名。这些新名字第一次出现时我会<FONT COLOR="FF0000">标明</FONT>。明白了吗?很好。现在,清醒一下头脑,然后我们开始……
<FONT COLOR="808080">Fight! Super Robot Life Transformers (July 6, 1985 to November 7, 1986)
战斗吧!超级机械生命体 变形金刚(1985.7.6.~1986.11.7.)

<FONT COLOR="808080">This is the first Transformers cartoon series to appear in Japan. It's essentally Season 1 and Season 2 of the American cartoons, redubbed into Japanese. Some episodes were aired unmodified from their original American productions, while other episodes consisted of scenes from different shows mixed and matched into new stories. The end result is the same, however: Convoy (Optimus Prime) leads the Cybertrons (Autobots) against Megatron and the Destrons (Decepticons), both on Earth and on Seibertron (Cybertron).</FONT>
这是日本出现的第一部变形金刚动画。它基本上就是美版变形金刚的第一季和第二季,改编译制成 |