<FONT size="5"><FONT face="arial">Japanese Transformers Cartoons Guide</FONT></FONT>
<FONT size="6">日版变形金刚动画指南</FONT>
<FONT size="4">(五)</FONT>
英文原作: Robert A. Jung
中文翻译: 守护神(birdstudio) 红色警报(kirkov)
英文原作版权: Robert A. Jung
中文译作版权: TFGs.net
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<FONT COLOR="808080">Transformers: Victory (March 14, 1989 to December 19, 1989)

<FONT COLOR="808080">The pinnacle of the Japanese Transformers shows was Transformers: Victory. Whether it's because the characters and toys were never released outside of Japan (thus keeping them fresh), or whether it's because of the beautiful animation and rich storytelling involved, it's hard to find a fan of the Japanese Transformers stories who does not rank this among their favorites.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="808080">Set in 2025 A.D., Victory introduces us to Star Saber, the mightiest Cybertron warrior and the greatest swordsman in the galaxy. The Destrons are continuing to invade planets throughout the universe, so the Cybertrons have joined with the humans to form the Space Defense Force, with Star Saber as its leader. Leading the Destrons is Deathsaurus, who has targeted Earth as the next planet to plunder, which means much of Victory takes place on our planet.</FONT>
故事发生于公元 2025 年,《胜利之战》将向我们介绍王者之剑史达(<FONT COLOR="FF0000">Star Saber</FONT>)——最强大的汽车人战士、宇宙中最伟大的剑客。霸天虎继续对宇宙中的星球进行侵略,于是汽车人和人类合作建立了空间防御力量<联盟防卫军?>,由史达担任领袖。统领霸天虎的是大恐龙撒拉斯(<FONT COLOR="FF0000">Deathsaurus</FONT>),他把地球定为下一个抢劫的目标,这意味着《胜利之战》中的 |