<FONT size="5">Japanese Transformers Cartoons Guide</FONT>
<FONT size="6">日版变形金刚动画指南</FONT>
<FONT size="4">(三)</FONT>
英文原作: Robert A. Jung
中文翻译: 守护神(birdstudio) 红色警报(kirkov)
英文原作版权: Robert A. Jung
中文译作版权: TFGs.net
<FONT COLOR="FF0000">********************
<FONT COLOR="808080">Transformers: Headmasters (July 3, 1987 to March 28, 1988)

<FONT COLOR="808080">So far, you're probably unimpressed. "Okay, so the Japanese Transformers cartoons were recycled American stuff. Why's everyone so excited over them?"</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="808080">Well, to be honest, no one is. Only the die-hard purist American collectors are interested in collecting Fight! Super Robot Life Transformers or Transformers: 2010, and the market for them is very small (the demand for Scramble City is a bit higher, simply because it has some new material that Americans haven't seen already). It's what follows which gets the fans excited.</FONT>
嗯,老实说,没人为它兴奋。只有极端顽固追求完美的美国收集者才会对收集《战斗吧!超级机械生命体 变形金刚》和《变形金刚:2010》感兴趣,而这个市场是非常小的。(对《混乱都市》的需求要略高一点,这仅仅是因为它拥有一点美国人从未见过的新东西)。说白了,它只是沿袭了那些令我们兴奋的东西而已。
<FONT COLOR="808080">Transformers: Headmasters is the start of Japan's original cartoons. This story takes place in the year 2011, after Transformers: 2010. An important thing to note here is that, in the Japanese cartoon continuity, the American "Rebirth" series does not occur. While Headmasters and Targetmasters show up, Nebulans do not.</FONT>
《变形金刚:头领战士》是日本原创变形金刚动画的开始。这个故事发生在 2011 年,在《变形金刚:2010》之后。在这里要重点注意的是,在日版续集中,美版的《新生》系列所述的情节并没有出现。虽然头领战士和先锋战士都露面了,但星云人没有出现!<b |